SOCOTEC Italia experts controlled the precast concrete segments of the Brennero’s linings tunnel with GPR technology.

Key information:

Project name: Brennero's linings tunnel precast concrete segments controlled with GPR technology 

Date: 2022 

Clients: Isocell 

Location: Brennero (Italy) 

Talk to our experts

Donato FIORE

Geophysical Division Senior Manager, SOCOTEC Italy

Geophysical Division Senior Manager, SOCOTEC Italy

Project Summary

The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) is a straight, flat railway tunnel connecting two countries. It runs for 55 km between Innsbruck (in Austria) and Fortezza (in Italy). 

The BBT consists of two tubes, each 8.1 m wide, running 40-70 m apart from one another. These tubes are each equipped with a single track, meaning that train traffic through the tubes is one-way. The two tubes are linked every 333 m by connecting side tunnels. These can be used in emergencies as escape routes. This configuration conforms to the highest security standards for tunnels. 

The BBT runs for 64 km between Tulfes/Innsbruck and Fortezza, making it the longest underground railway stretch in the word. The BBT ends in Innsbruck in the existing railway bypass tunnel, which ends in Tulfes. A new rescue tunnel is being built running parallel to the bypass. The two-tube tunnel system between Innsbruck and Fortezza is 55 km long. 

The slope in the base tunnel is 4-7 ‰. The apex height is 790 above sea level, lying 580 m below the Brenner Pass itself (1,370 m a.s.l.).


Project details

SOCOTEC Italia was delegate to control the precast concrete segments of the Brennero’s linings tunnel. The monitoring on precast segments, was made on the pre-installed precast segments and on the new one, and to accomplish the mission the Company used the GPR technology  

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