Social innovation is essential in a market where SOCOTEC is often a pioneer throughout the building life cycle.
Unique expertise
Making our expertise unique and investing in the quality of the service we deliver to our customers, encouraging the transmission of knowledge between teams, and offering technical training courses throughout the year to our employees... all this enables us to offer the Testing Inspection Certification market a combination of solutions that adapt to today's complex issues, integrating advanced technologies for the transformation of the Construction, Real Estate, Infrastructure and Industry sectors. Preserving them, growing them and passing them on is at the heart of our mission.
An ambitious value proposition for our employees
SOCOTEC's Human Resources policy aims to find and fidelicit skilled employees through an attractive and unique EVP (Employee Value Proposition), which also echoes the company's culture of expertise : a secure and caring work environment, healthy, stimulating and fulfilling management, diversity and equal treatment, information sharing and participation in Group ideas and projects, a welcoming and supportive team spirit, respect for work-life balance, and value sharing. All of this contributes to the positive impact we aim to have on society.
- Basic salary and bonus
- Rewards
- Profit sharing
- Pay increase
- Fairness
- Recognition
- Healthcare
- Life & disability insurance
- Pension plan
- Time off & vacations
Career growth
- Promotions
- Career opportunity
- Skills development
- Trainig
- Mobility
- Performance management
Work environment
- Autonomy & responsabilities
- Work life balance
- Challenges
- Job impact & interest
- Safety at work
- Employee experience
Build loyalty
- Quality of leadership
- Understantg og firm's goal and plans
- Trust & team spirit
- Common rules
Our skills development programme involves:
- Fair treatment for all our current and future employees, without discrimination;
- Initiatives to increase employee engagement, which we measure using an independent annual barometer (Great Place to Work) and management action plans;
- Development of an EVP (Employee Value Proposition): a genuinely distinctive workforce- related strategy aiming to promote a culture of operational excellence and to attract and retain the best talent by emphasising what sets us apart in our industry.
- Customised training programmes, delivered both in person and remotely, and a digital platform called 360Learning in all of our geographies.
12000 employees worldwide
over 90% on permanent contracts
3.73 days of training
per employee trained during the year
12 countries certified Great Place To Work®
- Participation rate world wide : 74%
- Trust Index : 69 %
- Rate of positive responses on all questions related to the Great Place To Work® model.
32 SOCOTEC CFA centres in France
since the launch of the profession's 1st CFA by the Group in 2020.
And Training Academies in some of our host countries.