SOCOTEC is deeply committed to the values of diversity and inclusion. This is reflected in our employment policies, according to which employees and applicants are treated equitably. We hire and promote skilled persons without regard to disability. Inclusion of persons with disabilities is core to SOCOTEC’s work of providing TIC services, and we act regularly in favour of inclusion.

Diversity at SOCOTEC
SOCOTEC is deeply committed to the values of diversity and inclusion

We promote diversity and inclusion because we strongly believe that the more perspectives we have, the better we serve our clients Our 12000 employees in 26 different countries represent more than 40 nationalities within the SOCOTEC Group. We encourage people of every ethnicity, social background, gender or disability to join our team. We rely on the enthusiasm, expertise and professionalism of our employees and we foster respect in all areas of work and all activities.
We promote diversity and inclusion because we strongly believe that the more perspectives we have, the better we serve our clients Our 12000 employees in 26 different countries represent more than 40 nationalities within the SOCOTEC Group. We encourage people of every ethnicity, social background, gender or disability to join our team. We rely on the enthusiasm, expertise and professionalism of our employees and we foster respect in all areas of work and all activities.
We support associations that help the most vulnerable find employment, such as:
Sports dans la Ville which supports the inclusion of young people through job training, along with helping them to enter the job market
Fondation des Apprentis d’Auteuil for the inclusion of young people in employment accessibility programs
Armed Forces Covenant to help military veterans find employment outside of the forces
We also support :
- MacMillan Cancer Support raising money for those affected by a cancer diagnosis by providing them with physical, financial and emotional support
LLS (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) a global leader in the fight against cancer
The Salvadori Center in the USA, which helps students understand how math and science are relevant to their lives
Engineers Without Borders in Germany, which promotes an engineering movement that enables sustainable global development
The four pillars of SOCOTEC’s commitment to the integration of people with disabilities are as follows:
Guarantee of non-discrimination on hiring
Professional integration
A proactive policy of orientation and professional integration
Fairness when considering professional development opportunities
Quality of life
Commitment to quality of life at work
These four pillars are also expressed in the Charter on the Integration of Disabled Workers into Employment, signed in 2011, as an agreement with French trade unions.
In addition, internal players with responsibilities in regards to our disability policy (managers, secretaries, HR, etc.) have received disability awareness training to help them provide the best possible support to people who may encounter difficulties in their work due to their medical condition(s).
« I am proud to help make the world more sustainable by working on optimizing the performance of buildings. My disability has never prevented me from doing the job I love at SOCOTEC.
Disability is a difficult subject to tackle at the workplace, and I am happy that we are raising awareness on unconscious bias through training and open discussions. “

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