CSR is at the heart of our purpose and our businesses : we are contributing to a safer, more sustainable world. As an independent trusted third party in construction, infrastructure and the environment, we are on the side of the solution, thanks to our expertise and our experts, our professional standards and our ethical and responsible behaviour.
Faced with the complexity of the changes impacting our societies and the acceleration of climate change, urbanisation, demographic pressure, the challenges of mobility and the digitalisation of uses and processes, we have chosen to take action in 3 areas in particular that are at the heart of our development.

Useful documentation
Our 3 commitments
SOCOTEC supports the United Nations Global Compact
Since 2022, SOCOTEC has been participating to the United Nations Global Compact.
SOCOTEC is committed to the United Nations Global Compact and its ten principles concerning Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), respect for the Environment and the fight against all forms of corruption.
This commitment is a fundamental part of SOCOTEC's CSR strategy towards its stakeholders. Every year, we report to the United Nations Global Compact on the measures we have taken to ensure compliance with these universal principles, via the COP (Communication on Progress) report.
The SOCOTEC group’s roadmap relates to the Group’s 16 most material topics, which were adopted following its double materiality analysis. It has been validated by the Group’s management committee. It allows us to monitor progress with ESG action plans and includes 10 areas of action initiatives that are vital to SOCOTEC’s performance regarding four key commitments:
- Social commitment: You grow we grow
- Inclusion commitment: Taking action to promote social inclusion
- Environmental commitment: Support with implementing environmental transition projects
- Ethics and governance commitment: ethics as a central aspect of our role as an independent trusted third party
Double materiality approach:
An ESG (environment, social, governance) double materiality questionnaire covering the CSRD ESRS issues was produced in September 2023. In the last four months of 2023, it enabled SOCOTEC to engage with its internal and external stakeholders according to the methodology required by the CSRD. All managers and key executives in all of our geographies (300 in total) and the Group’s strategic external stakeholders (supervisory organisations, shareholders) and the France and International CSR Committees were consulted.
By the end of 2023, 152 of SOCOTEC’s managers, executives and partners around the world had answered questions relating to the Group’s impact and financial materiality. Responses were weighted by the size of the country.
The CSR strategy is supported at the highest level of SOCOTEC governance by the CSR Director, who is a member of the Group Management Committee. The Group Management Committee monitors and validates the achievement of CSR objectives and the CSR roadmap several times a year for both France and the international platforms. A CSR manager is also 100% dedicated to defining and implementing the Group's CSR progress actions.
The CSR strategy is deployed in France and internationally by dedicated CSR commitees. The members of these committees are representative of our activities, and are committed to advancing one or more of the objectives set out in the 3 key commitments of the CSR strategy.