SOCOTEC is well aware of the challenges of the energy transition and the green transition, particularly through the services it offers its customers: we implement solutions to meet environmental challenges, particularly those of decarbonization or the energy performance of buildings, making it possible to reduce greenhouse gases and promote a positive impact on the environment and biodiversity
Reducing our environmental impact
Our experts develop and carry out GREEN TRUST missions that improve the technical, energy, green and reuse performance, as well as the sustainability, of the equipment and buildings that surround us. As a trusted third party, SOCOTEC is on the side of the solution, and all these solutions are offered under the Green Trust banner.
What's more, reducing our own environmental impact, as an organization, is naturally at the heart of our action plan.
Our roadmap:
In order to contribute to the environmental transition, we wish to reinforce our actions:
- Accompany customers in reducing their environmental impact via GREEN TRUST services and measure progress;
- Actively contribute to the development of the circular economy in construction and the environment;
- Optimize the energy performance of buildings;
- Adopt responsible behavior and reduce our own carbon footprint;
- Integrate electric vehicles into our corporate fleet;
- Develop responsible purchasing within the company.
Green Trust services and assignments in 2023:
represent 33.45% (versus 30% in 2022 and 26% in 2021) of SOCOTEC Group sales.
Target: 50% of Group sales in 2028
Carbon intensity: - 4% carbon intensity from 2021 to 2023 worldwide
37.31 tonnes eq. CO2 emitted in 2023 - scopes 1+2+3 / million euros of sales (scope: France, UK, USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Belux)
Target 2024: -15% reduction in GHG emissions between 2021 and 2024, Target 2028: under development (SBTi methodology)
Delivery of 500 electric vehicles at the end of 2023, then 500 additional vehicles in the first half of 2024 in France.
2028 target:
Electrification of 50% of the SOCOTEC vehicle fleet
Reduce building-related energy consumption by 25%.
100% of our obsolete D3E equipment processed in the circular economy in France by 2021.
1254 units (*) re-used (30%) or recycled (70%) with our partners ECODAIR and EMMAUS CONNECT in 2023 (in addition to1002 units in 2022).

Discover our business lines GREEN TRUST

The GREEN TRUST services have all been compared with the European Taxonomy resulting from the European Green Deal in order to analyse their potential eligibility:
Sustainable property services with partners and builders of housing, offices, eco-neighbourhoods, etc.
These include sustainable property services with partners and builders of homes, offices and eco-neighbourhoods, environmental impact assessments (water, air, soil), remediation of brownfield sites and redevelopment projects, assessment of the resilience of buildings to wear and tear and climate change, biodiversity impact assessments, BREEAM and LEED certification, energy management certification, technical advice or inspections aimed at improving energy performance through measures to reduce resource consumption, support for the energy transition, RE2020, support for the Decree on the Tertiary Sector, etc.
These are just a few examples of the SOCOTEC Group's contribution to assessing its clients' environmental impact and supporting them in their sustainable development programmes.
The GREEN TRUST services have all been compared with the European Taxonomy resulting from the European Green Deal in order to analyse their potential eligibility:
Sustainable property services with partners and builders of housing, offices, eco-neighbourhoods, etc.
These include sustainable property services with partners and builders of homes, offices and eco-neighbourhoods, environmental impact assessments (water, air, soil), remediation of brownfield sites and redevelopment projects, assessment of the resilience of buildings to wear and tear and climate change, biodiversity impact assessments, BREEAM and LEED certification, energy management certification, technical advice or inspections aimed at improving energy performance through measures to reduce resource consumption, support for the energy transition, RE2020, support for the Decree on the Tertiary Sector, etc.
These are just a few examples of the SOCOTEC Group's contribution to assessing its clients' environmental impact and supporting them in their sustainable development programmes.

The actions we are taking within the company
How does SOCOTEC reduce its environmental impact ?

In line with its core business, SOCOTEC is also implementing a dedicated action plan to reduce the environmental impact of the operational management of its activities.
Based on its annual Carbon Footprint, and the identification of its most significant emission sources, SOCOTEC has been implementing a dedicated reduction plan since 2020, backed by a target to reduce its carbon emissions by 15% between 2020 and 2024.
In line with its core business, SOCOTEC is also implementing a dedicated action plan to reduce the environmental impact of the operational management of its activities.
Based on its annual Carbon Footprint, and the identification of its most significant emission sources, SOCOTEC has been implementing a dedicated reduction plan since 2020, backed by a target to reduce its carbon emissions by 15% between 2020 and 2024.